Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Dean Discount Program: Businesses Invited to Join

Dean College has been working with the Franklin Downtown Partnership to develop a great opportunity for FDP businesses and the Dean College community.

It is called the Dean College Discount Program and it gives businesses an opportunity to advertise their business directly to Dean College's 1,100 students along with its faculty and staff.   

If you are interested in increasing your business and taking advantage of this opportunity please follow these easy steps:

Fill out the Dean College form (click here for form) and send to  Donna Tetrault at or Matthew Lechter at

- They will add your business to the Dean College discount program (see attached flyer). The list will appear on Today@ Dean where all students and staff get their information.

- Dean College students and staff will show you their college ID to receive your special offer or discount. Dean College is working on a Dean Paw Sticker for businesses interested in putting one in their window for students to see.

We hope you will take advantage of this unique opportunity to encourage students to visit your business during the school year and the Dean college staff year-round.

This discount program will run from September to May.  In June, each business will have a chance to continue their discount with Dean College for the new year or make a change.